Larry and Teri had been asked to start a 4-H club by young horse boarders in 1976, thus began the Hayburners 4-H Club. The couple remained 4-H leaders for 18 years, enriched by the 4-H experience with the youth and families. Larry was the Horse Judging Team coach for 12 years with several teams winning at the regional level, and seven 4-H youth representing Illinois at National level. Meanwhile, Teri started Horsebowl and Hippology in Rock Island County and continued for 14 years. With much work from the youth there were numerous regional champions, state champion teams in 1999 and 2003, and a Horsebowl Championship in 1999 at the National Competition in Kentucky. After retirement, Larry and Teri continue to help with 4-H at the county fair horse show and volunteer at regional and state level Horsebowl and Hippology competitions when needed.