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Award Year

Dennis and Shirley Hertz have been longtime volunteers and supporters of Knox County 4-H. Dennis was a 10-year 4-H member in Kankakee County, and Shirley began her 4-H history as a club member in Greene County. Dennis and Shirley moved to Knox County shortly after they got married, and they decided to carry on their tradition of 4-H leadership. Dennis has proudly served as a Swine Superintendent in Knox County for 29 years, while Shirley has helped the Swine Superintendents utilize data entry to keep track of scores at the swine shows throughout the years. Shirley has also enjoyed helping with the 4-H Day Camp and continues to help at the 4-H Swine Show with weigh-in and scoring. Dennis and Shirley raised two sons, Jeffrey and Greg, who were both involved in Cloverleaf 4-H Club in Knox County. Dennis and Shirley led this club in the 80's and 90's. Dennis and Shirley are both great assets to the Knox County 4-H program!


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