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Award Year

Erin Wycoff is one of those dedicated volunteers who just wants to see kids grow and succeed in 4-H and LIFE! Erin has been involved in 4-H since her daughter Makayla joined 4-H. She became an "official" volunteer over 10 years ago, but was always there to help not only her daughter, but any 4-H'er that needed a hand with whatever they needed. Even though Makayla has  graduated out of 4-H, Erin still devotes much of her time to the program as a current Youth Committee Member, 4-H Rabbit Superintendent and General Building Superintendent and 4-H BBQ Superintendent. She also served as a 4-H Leader in the Clarksville Co-eds 4-H Club for 4 years. Erin has assisted with set up and clean up for countless fairs, led rabbit workshops and been someone that Extension Staff could always count on to lend a helping hand, long after the lights were turned out at the fair and everyone else has headed for home. 4-H definitely GROWS HERE!


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