James (Jamey) Harp was a 10 year member of the Peaceful Valley 4-H Club. In 1993, he became a leader of the same club, where he served for 23 years. Jamey is currently serving his 24th year where he shares his leadership skills with the Easton Ramblers 4-H Club. He has served on the Mason County 4-H & Jr. Show Association Fair Board, and also has been a rabbit and goat show superintendent for many years. He has served on the Fulton-Mason-Peoria-Tazewell Extension Council and the 4-H Expansion & Review Committee. Jamey enjoys helping all youth be successful with their 4-H projects. Jamey has encouraged his entire family to be a part of the 4-H program, so his wife, Angie, became a club leader with him in 2011. Jamey's children, Loren, Caleb, and Kylie, are all very involved in 4-H and learning the importance of volunteer work by his example.