Lynette Limberis is one of those individuals that does not believe in sitting on the sidelines and waiting for someone else to volunteer. She began volunteering as the co-leader of the 4-H Clover Climbers Cloverbuds. Three years later she stepped-up to be the leader of DeKalb Choreboys and Choregirls community club. For the past 9 years as a 4-H club leader, Lynette has gone above and beyond what is expected of her. She encourages and guides the club members to try new things and have experiences they would not necessarily have anywhere else. She also is the first person to step-up and volunteer for leading county project days, community service activities, fundraising events or working on a special county committee. Lynette has a dynamic personality and a great love for 4-H and what it has to offer youth. She truly takes the extra step in leading youth in making the best better.