Shari Campbell bleeds 4-H green. Initially, Shari was a 4-H club member in Biggsville, but she moved to the Rosetta Ever Readies because she wanted to show livestock. Shari was a member for 10 years. Shari’s parents were 4-H club leaders and when they moved, Shari took their spot. She was a leader for 23 years of the Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons. When asked why she chose to become a leader Shari said, “I believe in 4-H and wanted to help kids like other leaders had helped us.” It was through 4-H that Shari met her husband Russ, and they have three children, Hillary, Cassie and J.C., all of whom have been 4-H members. Shari has worked very hard for 4-H. Not only has she been a leader but she has helped with the annual BBQ and other countless programs to ensure Henderson County 4-H is successful. Henderson County greatly appreciates everything Shari has done.
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