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Award Year

Larry Hill was a member of the Mason County Pleasant Workers 4-H Club for 11 years. In 1972 he became a leader of the Pleasant Workers 4-H Club, where he led for 6 years. He served for 6 years on the Mason County 4-H & Jr. Show Association Fair Board. He has been a long time Beef Project Assistant and Beef Superintendent at the Mason County Fair.

Larry grew up raising and showing shorthorn cattle with his family. He was one of the county 4-H members that helped to win the Illinois State Fair beef department clean aisle award. Larry and the group of youth earned the opportunity to sit, front and center, when President Nixon visited the Illinois State Fair Jr. Livestock Building on August 18, 1971. Larry continues to encourage and support youth to be a part of the 4-H program. He enjoys sharing his knowledge and assisting youth with their beef projects.

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