Karl and Beth Schultz have been long time volunteers for 4-H and Extension in Bureau County. Karl was instrumental in the formation and success of the Bureau County Sale of Champions committee. He has helped to raise funds and work with volunteers and businesses to ensure its continued success. He constructed the farm safety model that is used each year at the Bureau County Ag Fair, which enables students throughout the county to identify potential dangers on the farm. Karl has taught 4-H workshops in woodworking and has served on our Unit Council.
Beth has been active in 4-H all of her life. She has taught sewing workshops for 4-H’ers and has served for many years as the clothing and child care judge. She is also the superintendent of the Style and Fashion Review at the Bureau 4-H Fair.
Karl and Beth have 4 children who are all members of 4-H Clubs. They are dedicated volunteers and leaders who tirelessly work to support the local 4-H Program. They understand the value of the 4-H Program for Bureau County youth and both have dedicated many hours to ensuring the continuation of the 4-H Program in Bureau County. They both were instrumental in getting the Bureau County Unlimited Club started, they worked with leaders to begin a community club for special needs teens/adults that grows every year.