Bob and Angela Zellers wear many hats in the Clark Co. 4-H program, no matter what you need, they are there offering their help and support. After reviving a retired 4-H Club, they became leaders when their oldest daughter Jessica was old enough to join 4-H. Since then Jessica has aged out of 4-H, and two more daughters have built their 4-H careers - Shelby a senior and Amy an 8th grader. Both Bob and Angela are active in every aspect of 4-H and spent countless hours as a Horse Superintendent and assistant, Tack Auction Superintendent, Drill Team coach, assisting with the Regional Horse Bowl and Hippology Contests yearly, judges assistants, horse camp, 4-H Fair, 4-H BBQ, Cloverbud Leaders, Extension Advisory Committee, Youth Committee representative... you name it, they have both helped with it. Some of their fondest memories include traveling to Springfield to the IL State Fair with their kids through the years which brings back sweet memories for them from their youth as 4-H'ers. They have enjoyed watching all the kids grow through 4-H and leadership, attaining goals, learning new skills, and making lasting friendships.