Russ Campbell has been involved in 4-H for over 50 years. When asked why he has been supportive of 4-H for so long Russ stated, “It’s a great way to be raised as a child. I enjoyed going to the county fairs, meeting people and the fellowship.” He started his involvement at the age of 8 when he joined Bald Bluff Blue Ribbons in Henderson County. Since then he has been not only a member but a leader, livestock superintendent and father, as his three children Hillary, Cassie and J.C. are also involved in 4-H. It was also through 4-H that Russ met his wife, Shari. His other involvements have been FFA, Fire Department volunteer for 30 years, serving as trustee for over 20 and an Elder at Little Cedar Church. Russ has worked hard for Henderson County 4-H through the various positions he has held. He is someone who is always willing to lend a helping hand. We are proud to recognize Russ Campbell for the 4-H Hall of Fame.