Lynn Weis has spent a lifetime connected to 4-H. Joining the Good Producers’ 4-H Club was just the beginning of a grand adventure of “making the best, better!”. Being a 10-year member was followed by decades as a leader of the same club. Inspired by leaders and Illinois Extension personnel, 4-H continued to be at the center of her life journey. A 30-year career with University of Illinois Extension was filled with serving the people of Madison, Bond and St. Clair counties and interim in other neighboring counties. Weis has been an educator and mentor to countless Illinois youth. She firmly believes that 4-H prepares one for life. Her reward had been watching members succeed. In 2016, her family received the Illinois 4-H Family Spirit Award. This legacy of 4Hers… past, present and future has been her road map on her journey throughout the years.