Sandy Brix has been a 4-H volunteer with the Tailwaggers 4-H Club in Shelby County 4-H for 33 years. Sandy has been teaching dog obedience and agility to hundreds of 4-H members throughout the years. She has taught at least two generations of three families. Practices would start in April and run for eight weeks. Sandy then held a graduation ceremony for 4-H’ers and their dogs and practices continued until the fair in July. Sandy was also a very involved 4-H parent; always offering to help and support the 4-H members in any way she could. 4-H members loved going to Sandy’s house on farm tour day! Sandy was also very active on the Shelby Extension Foundation for many years, supporting Extension and the Shelby County 4-H program. She has also been the 4-H & Jr. Fair Dog Superintendent for the past 24 years. The Shelby County 4-H Dog program wouldn’t be what it is today without the love and support from Sandy Brix.