Road Trip: College and Career Day is a fun-filled conference for youth across Illinois who are college bound. Youth will explore workshop topics related to college and career readiness as well as other State 4-H opportunities.

Road Trip: College & Career Day 2025 Info Coming Soon


Conference location: Illini Union, 1401 W Green St, Urbana, IL 61801 

Open to: 8th-12th grade youth across the state of Illinois and parents of youth attending the event

Cost: $35 (Registration fee covers: lunch, conference supplies and activities) 

Registration deadline: February 9, 2024, or until slots are filled 

  • Registration is limited to the first 150 youth who register.
  • In addition, up to 50 parents may attend. Parents may register by clicking the register button at the top of the page. 

Parent Information: Parents may drop participants off at the Illini Union Ballroom (Main Floor). Watch for 4-H signs to find the ballroom. 

Required forms: All forms will be included in the online registration form.

Payment options: 

  1. Members and parents pay on their own by credit card at the time of registration.
  2. My County is Paying. Some (not all) counties may be able to assist with the registration fee. Members need to check with local extension staff prior to registration. A list will be sent to counties prior to the conference to verify that county will pay. 

Counties Supplementing or Paying for Registration Fees: 

  • Counties may pay for the entire registration fee by doing a transfer of funds form and contacting Karen Bickers, to complete that process. 
  • If county is paying for only a portion of the registration fee, counties need to collect any remaining amount of the registration fee directly from families. Families may register their member and select the ‘county is paying’ option. 

Cancellations & Refunds: Cancellations made by February 9, 2024 will receive a full refund. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after February 9, 2024 as event supplies have already been ordered. All cancellations and refund requests must be received in writing to the State 4-H Office by emailing Carla Blue,

Workshop Topics:

The Making of an Entrepreneur: 8th grade-12th grade

You will learn about the making of an Entrepreneur (The beginning stages, how to identify an Entrepreneur) The lost art of Trades. (Utilizing your skills, Success requires discipline/focus) Financial Literacy (How to ensure your Financial Success) Presenter: Monica Bean

All About the Business: 8th grade-12th grade

Are you interested in business but don't know where to start? We understand! Business can be so many things and lead to so many different careers. Students and families will learn about the different majors offered by Gies College of Business, as well as possible career paths for those majors. If you're interested in learning about everything from entrepreneurship to accounting to supply chain management and beyond, look no further! This workshop is for you!  Presenter: Dana Jones

Rockin’ the Runway: Dressing for Success in Current Culture: 10th grade-12th grade

Learn what you should wear – and not wear – to interviews. Whether it is for a job, internship, scholarship, or anything in between, we will help you dress for success with all endeavors through a green carpet runway show! Dressing in style does not always have to be expensive. By attending you will learn tips and tricks to help make yourself more presentable on a budget for when you need to look your best and rock the interview during this engaging and hilariously done workshop. Presenter: Stacy Woodyard, Tiffany Cervantes, and Jaylynn Schober, Youth Development (4-H Unit, 20 Staff)

Gear into Precision Planting: 9th grade-12th grade

Explore the agriculture industry with Precision Planting! Step into the field and learn the ins and outs of row crop planters. Presenter: Nicholas Eisenmenger, Parkland College, Precision, Ag Faculty Joel Rieker, Product Support with Precision Planting 

Career Pro's Declassified Resume Writing Survival Guide: 9th grade-12th grade

Career Pro's Declassified Resume Writing Survival Guide will teach students how to prepare for the work force or higher education. To apply to a job or college, a resume is a must to highlight your skillset. This workshop will declassify the tips and tricks to resume writing. This workshop will help to prepare students that are applying to college, scholarships, and jobs. Presenters: Ranija Turner - Human Resources Coordinator

Build Your Future Workshop: 10th grade-12th grade

In the Workshop we discuss different paths after high school, Budgets, Job. vs Career, Learning Styles, and the career opportunities that we offer with our Hands-on workforce training programs at Midwest Technical Institute. Lastly, learn about the great opportunities that come from learning a skilled trade and the demand for work in the Skilled trades (Mechanical Trades, Truck Driving, and Healthcare).  Presenter: Brett Huff 

Welcome to the Real World (Financial Literacy for Teens): 8th grade-10th grade

Come and learn about making real world decisions and paying bills by participating in a Real World Simulation- Career and Financial exploration activity Presenter: Kristi Stout, 4-H Youth Educator (Unit 27)  

College Quest- HBCU Experience: 9th grade-12th grade

The workshop description consists of a discussion that focuses on the benefits/ challenges of attending a Historically Black College or University (HBCU) and benefits of being involved in organizations. Presenter: Leonard Parker, 4-H Metro Educator (Unit 6) 

The Financial Aid Process: 11th grade-12th grade

This session outlines the general financial aid process and provides insight on how financial aid works, how to apply for it, student eligibility, and how it can be used to help pay for college. It introduces the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Alternative Application for Illinois Financial Aid, along with summarizing state and federal aid programs among other topics. Presenter: Illinois Student Assistance Commission

College Jeopardy: 8th grade-12th grade

This presentation is meant to motivate students to go to college and teach them more about the process. Presented in an engaging multimedia format, this activity is available in two difficulty tiers: beginner and expert. Topics include paying for college, types of colleges, college admissions, and picking a major. Presenter: Illinois Student Assistance Commission

Where in the World will your Career take you? 8th grade-12th grade

Do you like to travel to see distinctive places or far off lands?  Your personal career journey will likely be unique just like you.  Come take an excursion on what is possible with a few key foundational elements. Presenter: Jeff Behme 

College and Career Resource Fair Participants: 

East Central IL Building & Construction Trades Council 

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Illinois Fire Service Institute-University of Illinois 

United Prairie

ETI School of Skilled Trades

Golden Apple Foundation

University of Illinois Springfield

Chicago State University

Southern Illinois Edwardsville 

Greenville University

Northern Illinois University 

United States Army

United Medical Response, LLC

Equip for Equality

Midwest Technical Institute

Indiana University Bloomington

Millikin University

Galesburg Fire Department

Illinois Student Assistance Commission

State 4-H 

Schedule for Road Trip 

8:30-9:30AM               Participants arrive and check-in/ State Opportunities 

9:30-9:45 AM              Welcome and announcements

10:00-10:50 AM          Workshop Session 1 or College and Career Resource Fair

11:00-11:50 AM          Workshop Session 2 or College and Career Resource Fair

12:00-12:45 PM          Lunch and Networking

1:00-1:50 PM              Workshop Session 3 or College and Career Resource Fair

2:00-2:15 PM              State Opportunities 

2:15- 2:30 PM             Final acknowledgements and participant feedback

2:30 PM                        Head for home


What to wear: You may be doing active activities so bring comfortable clothes and shoes that would be normally be worn to school. 

Additional Information to Be Emailed in March: Participants will receive an email approximately one week before the event with additional details regarding the event.

Programming Questions:  Contact Cindy Ogwal,

Event Logistic Questions (Registration): contact Carla Blue,

Support: The conference is supported with funds from the Illinois 4-H Foundation. 

Contact for More Information

Extension Specialist, 4-H Youth Development - College & Career Readiness
Cindy Ogwal