Learn leatherwork can be used as a beautiful art canvas when you cut and/or decorate leather. Learn stamping, carving, or tooling. Discover how leather can be transformed into items for daily use.
Show Your Skills
- Make a poster on what era interests you (cavemen, middle ages, pioneers) and tell about how they used leather that is different from today
- Create a leather display with common leather sources (cattle, sheep, shark, and elk) and their uses (gloves, saddle, shoes, sporting goods)
- Create a display showing all the tools you use and how to use them to create designs
Service and Leadership
- Make coasters for a retirement home
- Teach your club to create a gift like a key ring
- Make luggage tags for foster care and donate to your local health department
- Clean leather tack at local therapeutic riding farms
- Make bookmarks for the local library
- Teach a workshop to beginners on bracelet making
- Make hanging name tags for your 4-H club officers E
- Make items to sell at a craft show
- Make coasters to sell at the local coffee shop
- Make and sell personalized luggage tags
- Make gift tags and package them for Christmas
- Make dated key chains to sell to graduates
- Carve / sell personalized tablet or cell phone holders
Technology Connection
- There are hundreds of possible tannins - fewer are used now than 150 years ago - look into innovative ways to tan the leather
- Design and cut leather jewelry or home decor
Connecting with a Mentor
- Shoe repair store leatherworker
- Art teacher
- Leather store
- Saddle maker
- International Council of Tanners: https://leathercouncil.org/
- Visit an art fair or craft show to see if there are leather items
- Attend an antique market or show to find vintage leather work
Project Manuals & Exhibit Requirements
- Unit 1 - Introduction to Leathercraft & Creative Stamping PDF http://co4h.colostate.edu/projects/manuals/Leathercraft-Intro-U1.pdf
- Unit 2 – Beginning Leather Carving PDF http://co4h.colostate.edu/projects/manuals/Leathercraft-Carving-U2.pdf
- 4-H Leather Craft Unit 3-7 PDF http://co4h.colostate.edu/projects/manuals/Leathercraft-U3-7.pdf
- 4-H Leather Craft Unit 8-10 PDF http://co4h.colostate.edu/projects/manuals/Leathercraft-U8-10.pdf
Purchase manuals on the Shop Illinois 4-H Store.
View exhibit requirements and scoresheets on the Illinois State Fair page.
Iowa State University Extension 4-H Hot Sheet
New Mexico State University Extension 4-H project sheet
North Dakota State University Extension 4-H project sheet
Colorado 4-H project books
Authored by Kim Eisnaugle, 4-H Program Coordinator, University of Illinois Extension